Friday, November 10, 2006

Turkey Day

i am feeling much better this week. it is Friday and Friday is a glorious day!!! the weather is perfect, clear light blue sky, no clouds and breezy. Best of all....its cool. Here in the "dirty south" the months of November and December feel like heaven for we have had a firey HELL all year. Stressing about the next hurricane to come and destroy parts of your home, gone till JUNE! all we have to worry about now.......Christmas.

you ever notice how they skip Thanksgiving. Everything goes from Halloween-Christmas. Thanksgiving is my FAVORITE holiday. i get to eat all day long, because we always end up at 3-4 houses and have two days off. i LOVE it. i was really looking forward to this years Thanksgiving. Eddies twin boys were supposed to come stay with us for the week. they really don't get to spend any time with their dad cuss their mom lives about 4 hours away and neither have reliable enough cars to take the trip. we were going to rent a car, but it turned out to be so expensive. we had many last efforts, thinking of even....(gasp) taking the train.

but our plans fell thru.

all coming down to money.

i HATE that!

I think i was more excited over it then Eddie was. I cried when i realized it wasn't gonna happen. he said, "don't worry they will be here for Christmas."

just another situation, where i feel helpless. they are not my kids, i have no concrete relationship with them. yet i want to so bad, because they are my loves children.

i am over it for now, just praying they DO actually get to come see us for Christmas.

in other news.....

my best friend "'Kittie" is pregnant.

this would be a VERY wonderful thing under normal circumstances, but have you noticed things in my life are NEVER normal.

she was diagnosed with HIV a year and a half ago.

she has decided to have the baby. why? i couldn't tell you. i strongly disagree. her boyfriend is also HIV positive and there is no guarantee the baby won't be infected.

i do not have the energy to get into it right now, but i'll try to later on today.

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