Friday, October 20, 2006


Saturday morning, i wake up at about 10:30. I keep my phone on Silent at night because i don't want to be disturbed by the people who don't realize i actually SLEEP at night. So when i look at my phone i saw 2 voicemails. One was from my father, drunk at 5 in the morning, calling to say he loved me at 1 in the afternoon and tell me that. not at fucking 5 in the morning. mind you he only ever does that when hes fucked up. the other was my co-worker T. The voicemail went something like, "Hey Debi, "B" (my boss/bosses daughter) called me this morning and wants us both to come into work today. "J" (my boss) had to go to the hospital...(i gasped when i heard this) and they want us to go in and help them put together returns. call me back"

uggggggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! i was pissed. who wants to go into work on a Sat. when you really don't have to. I called T back and we bitched for about 10 minutes about going in, we both had things to do and really just wanted to enjoy our days off. I called "B" after i hung up. she answered in a low voice. "im still not feeling real well today."B" was 5 weeks pregnant with her 2nd child and ended up miscarrying. we all were really bummed about it but if your dad was in the hospital and he had 20 or so tax returns to do, don't you think you would try to help him out? not her. she even asked her mom...who does the processing of the tax come and stay with her. so thats why T and i had to go in. we were PISSED. T stayed for 5 hours, me only three. come Monday, we find out they are all going on vacation for 10 days. grrr....

So needless to say I wasn't a very happy camper on Monday. I spent the whole day in a bad mood. Clients were calling pissed because their returns weren't done and my boss was away. man! was it a bad day.

when i got home, i get a knock on my door. The woman was one of my neighbors. she started pointing to the side of my apartment complex. When i went over there i saw three kittens in a box with a lil food and water. i took the box in front of my house, grabbed a towel and pulled out the kittens. There was a black one and a gray one. the third was dead. After disposing of the dead one, (i almost cried) and the box i checked the others and then brought them inside. I filled up a lil bowl of milk and let them take a couple licks.

I called the humane society but they were closed. I told Eddie, we are gonna have to keep them over night. He was so excited. He looked at me with these big puppy dog eyes. "Can we keep one" uuuuhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! "Babe, we already have a rabbit and a snake and we aren't supposed to have animals here!"

i gave in. ;)

my friends Ledis and Kevin took the gray kitten and we kept the black one. We figured out they are about three weeks old. You still have to bottle feel them at this age because they are still babies and supposed to be feeding off the mother. Not only that but you have to keep them warm, feed them every 4 hours...including night....and MAKE them go to the bathroom.

it has been an experience ill tell you that. but def. one that i wouldn't trade in! ours is a lil boy. we decided to name him Bentley. I have to tell in love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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