Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Yesterday and Today

Ten years ago: i was 11. going into middle school and had a couple friends but they weren't going to my school and my best friend moved to Texas.

Five years ago: i was 16. in 11th grade in high school, started dating my first real boyfriend. Shit for me started getting fucked up at this point, i realized that my parents weren't just drinking they were also doing drugs and they were doing it with my boyfriend. I found out a year and a half into the relationship and after finding out he also cheated on me i dumped my boyfriend. Started hangin out with friends more and learnin more and more about life.

One year ago: i had moved out of the hell hole i called my home and was living with my best friend kittie and her family, one year ago today i found out that she and her boyfriend had HIV. This came just two months after her father died unexpectedly and i started to go into a serious depression.

Yesterday: i worked a full 11 hours, 3 hours i am not getting paid for cuss im salary and when i got home i just relaxed, smoked, ate a lot, and slept!

Today: working........Ugh. but the sex this morning was good and put me in a good mood. so im just gettin ready to eat some lunch and get thru the rest of the day.

Tonight: same routine, smoke, eat, watch t.v and go to sleep.....ahhh...sleeeeeep.

Tomorrow: is only Wednesday and i don't want to bore you with the same ol shit.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what the hell do you do that you work 11 hours?

9:23 AM  

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