Tuesday, July 18, 2006

work sucks!

Today is only Teusday! ugh.... i really wish i could have one of those stay at home jobs. one that wouldn't require me to get pressured everyday! its not really the job that bothers me, its the fact that i am so behind on my work because my boss got pregnant in 2004 and when she went on leave in May 2005 we all had to drop our things and work on hers. now, a year later we are still behind by a couple of months and my big boss (her dad) gets very upset. its sad, cuss i wish i could get caught up on all my work, but there is always something that comes up thats more important than what i am working on, nothing gets finished and nothing gets caught up. im only one person and can only do so much. i try the best i can without getting totally work crazy. i mean i take a break here and there to cool my brain, but i feel like i have to, ya know. i work 9-6 mon-fri and am tired come 6 o'clock, i only wanna go home. whatever, im just venting.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to blog land!

6:09 PM  
Blogger Debi said...

thanks sweetie! now i have somewhere to write all the damn things that run thru my mind regularly!

3:11 PM  

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