Monday, July 17, 2006

1st post ever

So, this is my first blog. WOO-HOO! now, i am a blog stalker and love to read about others lives so i hope someone out there likes to read about all the stupid shit that will be written about. a little backround about me....well, i just turned 21 years old and work in a small office. i've been here for about three and a half years and am getting a degree online, ahem well, i hope to start getting a degree soon. see i am very lazy and really hate school so its hard for me to even think about going back. ONE DAY SOON! I really don't have much to say today except that i have a bad case of the MONDAYS and can't wait until 6 so that i can go home to my baby. i have a very loving boyfriend who i will refer to as 'cutie' and we are just too happy together. pictures will come soon! hope yall enjoy!!!


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